uCarrier - Software for fractionation on MALDI-targets from nano-HPLC
Customer DIONEX (formerly LCPackings, Amsterdam, formerly BAI)
Date Initial development:05/2000 - 2/2001
Version 2.0, Wizzards: 08/2003 - 2/2004
Version Opal, ctc PAL: 10/2007 - 11/2007
Description Software for the fractionation from nano-HPLC on MALDI-Targets with common liquid handling properties. Wizzards for tray and application design, remote application control from LIMS-systems, remote control by Chromeleon HPLC software.
OS Windows NT, Windows XP, Vista
Hardware PC, Probot microfraction collector with integrated syringe pump, ctc PAL, CAVRO syringe pump
Language/DB Delphi
My tasks OOP-modeling, GUI-design in close cooperationship with the vendor, programming, documentation, third/second level support
Licensing Application-exclusive license, ALADIN-based product
uCarrier Startup Screen

The µCarrier software is distributed by DIONEX manufacturing the "Probot", a high-precision liquid handler and fraction collector used to spot directly on MALDI-TOF-Targets and to prepare µ-arrays. µCarrier allows the setup of fractionation protocols together with user defined liquid handling and work surfaces of the liquid handler/fraction collector.